
Recap for enouraging reflection on learning

One of the true keys to learning and developing any ability is the willingness and capacity to reflect on what we have learned. So how can we encourage our students to reflect on what they have learned? Generally we want them to reflect from a slightly more distant perspective of time rather than more immediately within the classroom and this is where Recap can really help. Recap is a cross platform app that allows teachers to create classes and manage students and set them reflection questions that they can respond to using video on their laptop webcam or smart phone from their own home. How does Recap work? To create a class and add your students just register on the site as a teacher. Once you have registered you click on Add Class and complete the class details form. You can also decide at this point whether you want your students to register with a PIN or an email. Email is a better option for older learners, whereas a PIN is better for younger ones as this doesn’t require them to

5 Free Edtech and ELT eBooks

This is just a quick post to share 5 very short ebooks that have been taken from my award winning ebook - Digital Video - A Manual for Language Teachers . Winner of the 2016 British Council Award for Innovation in Teacher Resources The ebooks come from chapter 9 of the manual which contains 12 more entries like these. As well as the explainer text, which shows you how to use the tools and gives suggestions for tasks you can do in your classroom, each ebook also has a video tutorial. Each ebook is available either as PDF from Payhip or from the iBooks Store . I hope you enjoy these free ebooks and find them useful. Digital Classrooms - TedEd TED Ed is a great tool for creating online lessons around videos. It enables you to structure a sequence of interactive activities around the video clip that guides the viewer towards a deeper understanding of the content. It’s an ideal tool for building blended learning. Digital Classrooms - MoveNote MoveNote is a great tool for getting your pre

You wanted it, you got it! Google Docs Columns and Classroom update

One of the biggest requests in Google Docs has been adding columns in the layout of the document.  Well, Google has just released this  and it is already making a lot of people happy :)  Here's where you can find the new Columns feature in Google Docs: under the "format" menu, choose "columns". You can have up to 3 columns.  You can also specify if you want spacing between them and if you want lines in between them. Ok, now go and try it! A new feature of Google Classroom is allowing parents to see a summary of student's activity in Google Classroom.  Once a teacher adds a guardian email to a student account, that email will stay with the student in all other classes the student may have in Classroom. It is important that teachers are aware of this so that there is no confusion.  For more information visit Google's Classroom help center here .

New Features for Back to School from GAFE

Summer is coming to an end and a new school year starts! Here are new features that you will enjoy from Google for Education. Posted by Dina Kachintseva, Classroom Software Engineer and Felix Wang, User Experience Designer As any teacher would tell you, the classroom isn’t the only place where learning happens — it’s just the tip of the iceberg. From parents who help students with homework, to extracurriculars, field trips and more, there are so many ways students can learn beyond the walls of the classroom. This is why today we’re announcing new features to help teachers inspire learning for students, regardless of place or time.  Parents and guardians stay informed with Google Classroom email summaries Parent participation has a major impact on student learning. Today, we’re launching a new feature in  Google Classroom  that will automatically share  summaries of student work with parents . Once invited by a teacher, parents and guardians can receive automated daily or weekly email

Old PowerPoints are better with PearDeck

It's never too late to turn your old lessons into new engaging ones.  Us teachers know that summer time is for relaxing but, the back of our minds we are always thinking about the new school year and how to improve or bring new things to our students. Are you dreading the use of your old PowerPoints once again with your new students? why not give them a twist and make them real time interactive and engaging with PearDeck ? You may not see yourself as a very tech savvy teacher but I can assure you that using PearDeck is super easy! PearDeck is: Want to get started with PearDeck?  We have it available for you here at Guilderland.  To use it, simple log in with your school account and use these resources to get you started!  As always you can "book" time with me to help you! click on the "book now" icon on the top right of this page.  Interactive Walkthrough Videos and Tutorials Live FREE Webinar Training

Accelerate the Feedback loop: Quizzes in Google Forms

*From Google:  Accelerate the feedback loop: Quizzes in Google Forms  Getting feedback early helps students learn and teachers teach. Starting now,  Quizzes in Google Forms  will allow teachers to auto-grade multiple choice and checkbox questions — so teachers can spend less time grading and more time teaching.  Teachers can also add review materials in the form of explanations, supplemental websites or review videos — so students can get quick, actionable feedback. Plus, teachers can get instant feedback on student progress, so they know which lessons need more explanation and what to teach next. We’ve also added a common request from educators to disallow students from sending themselves a copy of their responses.  If you haven't used Google Forms with your class,  it's time you re consider.  Especially now that there is a built in Quiz function for auto grading.  Check it out in my video below and read all about it from Google's Education blog

Free for the summer: Reading Fluency tutor

Exciting news!  I just heard from Alice Keeler that Fluency Tutor will be free for a limited time.  If you don't know what Fluency tutor is, check this video  here .   From Alice's Blogpost :   Free for the Summer For those that aren’t familiar,  Fluency Tutor® for Google™  is a Google Chrome app that helps make reading aloud less stressful and more fun for students who need some extra support. It’s a big time saver for teachers, and great for struggling readers and English Language Learners. Designed for schools using Google Apps for Education (GAFE), the app allows students to record themselves reading and share it with their teacher – away from the pressures of reading aloud in the classroom. To use, teachers simply share content they would like students to practice reading (or allow students to choose content independently), then provide feedback at a time that’s convenient for them. Texthelp, makers of Fluency Tutor for Google, are giving away Premium access to the app for