
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2013

Voki and Poetry at the Middle School

Often times the art of writing poetry does not come easily for a sixth grader.  Writing poems may not be the "coolest" thing to do for some but with the help of "Voki" students were immediately engaged and eager to write their poems knowing that they could publish their work in an unconventional manner.   Voki offered a way to make their poems come to life by having the students create a custom character that recites their writing piece. Mrs. Wlazlo taught her writing lesson as usual and decided she needed a tangible outcome product for her poetry lesson.  It was then, that she though integrating technology to this lesson would help her with that product. Not only did the students have fun creating their characters but they also practiced, without even noticing, their writing skills and their fluency.  Students wrote their poems and then typed them onto the text to speech feature of Voki.  Their characters then read their poems for them.  This made students aware of