GCSD Technology in Education Awards

Educational Technology has been growing in our district.  With the implementation of a new wireless infrastructure across the district, teachers and students have now the ability to use wireless devices in each of the buildings.  More devices such as iPads and Chromebooks are now accessible to our students, as well as BYOD (Bring your Own Device) at the Highs School.   This allows for mobility and ease of access; this also means more online resources are being accessed by our teachers.

Being a GAFE district (Google Apps For Education), Guilderland teachers and students are using Google Apps such as Docs, sheets, sites, blogger as well as Chrome apps and extensions.  While we have recently turned into a full GAFE district, some of us have gone above and beyond using the new available technologies in the classroom and with their students.

It is for that reason that the "Technology in Education" Awards were born.  We have outstanding teachers here in Guilderland; why not acknowledge their efforts and showcase the wonderful things they are doing with technology for the students of this community?

Teachers are nominated by their peers, administrators or even students.  The technology committee reviews the nominations and three teachers from each level (Elementary, Middle and High) receive the award.  The teachers not only receive the award but they also get to fulfill their professional wish list as well as a public recognition by local newspapers (read article from The Altamont Enterprise here), the district's social media channels and this blog.

Awards are honored twice a year, at the end of each semester.  You can nominate a teacher by accessing the nomination form here or by clicking on the "technology in Education Award-Nominate a teacher form" tab above.

There were other outstanding teachers nominated! Shannon Clegg, Alicia McTiernan, Carolyn Vogel, Lisa Osterhoudt, Kim Buckley, Heather Bryer, Colleen Sittig and Joy MacManaman.  You can read about them here.

It is an honor to work with such knowledgeable and innovative teachers!  Are you ready to nominate a colleague?

The 2013-2014 second semester (our first ever nominations) honorees are:
Deanna Barney-sischo- Elementary Honoree
Molly Fanning- Middle School Honoree

Alicia Wein- High School Honoree


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